Tuesday 31 January 2017

31/31 {the january project} the project ends and school starts...

First day back at school.....

Year Three, Year One and a very tired Preschooler!

I was feeling #allthefeels after dropping all three kids to school today for the first time!

They were all happy as clams, but I was fighting back tears the whole morning just because... I dunno... motherhood?! Ha! I am so proud of them all, and love to see them so excited for another year in their lovely little school. They are flourishing and what more could I want?! But what is this funny thing, that seeing them so happy and independent brings so much joy and yet kinda breaks your heart for some reason at the same time? It's a big thing to entrust these little people to the world and to their own devices. It's with quivering hands I help them jump from the nest, covering them in prayer for each journey.

Your children are not your children. It is true.

These babies are growing up, that's for sure. Entering these middle years, it's a whole new season, so much to look forward to and yet bittersweet. 


{the january photo a day project}

And so today, it ends. A photo a day, every day of January. With a momentous yet very simple image. For the first time during this month, this is actually just from my iPhone (gasp!!) rather than my 'big camera'. I just didn't have the energy today to worry about getting my big camera as we were racing out the door, so I choose to let it goooooooooooooooo. A rather inauspicious end to this photo-a-day project, but in a way it's kinda perfect because it's a tiny little example of my commitment this year... present over perfect. 

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